Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sun Rises on New Opportunities for IAM

As the sun rises on the IAM compound in Uganda, it is amazing to realize that we are entering our 4th year of work in East Africa.  We see many new opportunities on the horizon which will take the book ministry into new nations in Africa. IMAGINE that!  Ministry efforts with the children and in the communities continue and the church planted last year is thriving.  2012 so far has given us opportunities to serve with old friends but meet new partners in ministry.  God has been faithful beyond measure to this work and we thank you for your continued partnership.  What an incredible journey WE have all been on.  Thank you for walking with us.  Please enjoy the following posts of recent work and if you have any questions, contact me at 


 Imagine Acts Ministry In  Malawi

Henry and Bernie packed and ready for Malawi

                                                       Henry's first plane trip---but he took it like a pro!

The Meeting in Malawi

Imagine Acts Ministry was  honored and humbled when Bernie and Henry Lutwama met with Navigator staff members in Malawi. Navigators is a interdenominational, international Christian  ministry which was founded in 1933. They have more than 4,600 staff members, of 70 nationalities in more than 100 countries.  Mvula Mvula told Bernie and Henry that Navigators Malawi had endorsed the
Creation to Christ book series as a tool for their organization.  He said that the book series was the tool they had been praying for and could not have come at a more perfect time. Mvula told them that 80% of the people of Malawi are illiterate and because of that statistic, he felt these books were definitely an answer to prayer. Imagine Acts Ministry looks forward to working next year in Malawi as these men will spend time in 2012 finding faithful men to teach and translating some of the books.

Those in the meeting in Malawi were left to right: Francis Mkandawire,National Director of the Evangelical Association of Malawi and a Baptist pastor in Blantyre; Mvula Mvula, African Director of Orality of Navigators; Clapperton Mayumi, Director of the Malawi Bible Society; Bernie Boudreaux, IAM board member; Henry Lutwama, National Director of Imagine Acts Ministries, Uganda;  Sam Banda, National Director of Navigators Malawi.


March of this year, Sally and Bernie Boudreaux, Henry Lutwama and I met with Innocent, a Congolese refugee whom  Henry and I met in July of 2011 at an Orality workshop presented in Uganda by members of the Navigators organization.  We immediately recognized Innocent's passion for his Congolese people who are presently living in refugee camps in Uganda.  We invited him to work with us in bringing the books to these camps and we took several trips last year.  
Last month, he suggested to us that translating the books into Swahili would be very beneficial to the Congolese. Bernie asked him if he would be willing to translate the first book.  He agreed and just last month, we received his complete translation of Book One, Creation!!  What a thrill to see the book in SWAHILI!  We expect the Lord to use Innocent with IAM to minister in the refugee camps.! IMAGINE!!

(below: translation of title page and page one in Swahili)


Toka mwanzo wa nyakati Mungo alikuwa. Mbele dunio iwepo kulikuwepo na giza.  Mungo ni muumbaji wa kila kitu na ana uwezo juu ya kila kitu.

Sally, Bernie, Henry Lutwama, and Innocent


Mityana Orphanage

It is always a great joy to me to greet the children and workers at the orphanage when I return.
 March 2012

Hugging JaJa Florence, half-sister to the late director, Margaret.


In May of 2011, Bible Community Fellowship was planted in the front yard of my house. The church is growing and continues to meet in the same place and minister in the community.  Late in 2011, the church  built a new house for an elderly man in the community.  Everyone worked on the project which was a living testimony to the community of what it means to "BE THE CHURCH."

Church Service March of 2012

When it rains, we move inside the house.  Timo playing the guitar.  This Sunday the message was brought by Bernie Boudreaux from Austin, Texas.

Visting Phillip at his new house. Sally, Ssemakula Henry, Phillip and Becky

Ssemakula Henry, Bernie Boudreaux, Phillip and Becky


Over the past three years, several young men with Imagine Acts Ministry have been faithfully visiting  a certain part of town where they meet with a  small group of women and children each Sunday afternoon to share, minister and teach.  It was our pleasure to participate one Sunday afternoon in late March 2012.  It is very easy to gather a group when the picture books are pulled out and taught.
 On the left is Henry Ssemakula who faithfully coordinates these meetings.  Becky and Sally Boudreaux are greeting one of the women.  Far right is Tonny Mwesiggwa, another faithful IAM worker.

Becky teaching

We had great discussion and question and answer time after the teaching.


Sunday school with the children at Mityana Orphanage  has been one of my favorite times over the past 3 years.  The children love to sing and worship. We often have between 50-60 children each week.  Many of the older ones can recite memory verses learned during 2011.  We have used the Creation to Christ book series with the children for years, and their knowledge and understanding of God's plan has deepened.