Friday, July 16, 2010

Sunday Afternoon in Nama

We had over 50 people for our Sunday group this day; to my left is Brian Clark, one of our Texas volunteers. This ministry was begun in January and continues to thrive. I am holding a baby boy named Moses whose mother died giving birth.

Teaching Pastors with Books

In mid-June over 50 pastors received books through a weekend teaching at Uganda Baptist Seminary. Pastors from 5 nations---Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Congo, Kenya- -received a great teaching resource. It was a wonderful experience for Imagine Acts Ministry.

Our New Vehicle!!

In early June we were able to get our "new" vehicle---a 1994 Toyota Prado, a very sturdy vehicle which has already been put to much use.

Happy Birthday!

A great birthday Sunday, June 27, with a room full of my favorite children singing Happy Bir thday to me! What a surprise!

Bernie and Peter

Great Love---Bernie Boudreaux and Peter Balukakke---

Team Texas

The end of a very busy and very awesome trip with these Texans--thanks for a Good Job, Guys!
Love you all.

Fishing Village

Henry Lutwama on right talking to one of the residents of the fishing village where we have a ministry every Tuesday with two groups studying the books. Four of our young men ride bikes there -- 45 minute ride each way.

Rescuing David

In early June we went to Nama, a village about 30 minutes away to secure permission from the Local Chairman to take a 22 month old ,very sick and malnourished child back to Mityana with us to be cared for at the orphanage. We had found him in January, but discovered in May that he was very sick. After taking him to the doctor, providing medicine and proper foods, we realized he was not only sick, but quite neglected. Although Mityana does not have an orphanage for babies, Jackie, whose grandmother is the director/founder of the orphanage, agreed to care for him. The grandparents who were "keeping" him after his parents abandoned him, were very eager for us to take him. We signed papers with the Chairman. I didn't realize until later that the papers read that the child had been turned over to Imagine Acts Ministry!! This is not an official adoption; the grandparents are free to get him any time they choose. We want to help him get healthy. He is very loved by all of the children and the adults. He was renamed David---and often called King David! It has been a joy to see him improve and smile. He is not yet walking, but does seem quite bright. in this picture: the grandparents, Timo and baby

Walking Through the Bush!

We were going all through the bush looking for the local chairman to have papers signed to take the baby.  It was really an exciting time.

Proper Paperwork

Local Chairman in the middle in gray shirt, Dan to the right; Jackie left; Timo holding baby.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

First--- a Bath!

Jackie gives David a good scrub after we brought him from the village.
David is 22 months old, but is wearing a 3month outfit that ironically reads, "My mom is the best!

A Big Smile from David

I think he is listening to World Cup!

Little David Meets Texas Volunteers


David, showing a new outfit from Texas!