Imagine Acts Ministry In Malawi
Henry and Bernie packed and ready for Malawi
Henry's first plane trip---but he took it like a pro!
The Meeting in Malawi
Imagine Acts Ministry was honored and humbled when Bernie and Henry Lutwama met with Navigator staff members in Malawi. Navigators is a interdenominational, international Christian ministry which was founded in 1933. They have more than 4,600 staff members, of 70 nationalities in more than 100 countries. Mvula Mvula told Bernie and Henry that Navigators Malawi had endorsed the
Creation to Christ book series as a tool for their organization. He said that the book series was the tool they had been praying for and could not have come at a more perfect time. Mvula told them that 80% of the people of Malawi are illiterate and because of that statistic, he felt these books were definitely an answer to prayer. Imagine Acts Ministry looks forward to working next year in Malawi as these men will spend time in 2012 finding faithful men to teach and translating some of the books.
Those in the meeting in Malawi were left to right: Francis Mkandawire,National Director of the Evangelical Association of Malawi and a Baptist pastor in Blantyre; Mvula Mvula, African Director of Orality of Navigators; Clapperton Mayumi, Director of the Malawi Bible Society; Bernie Boudreaux, IAM board member; Henry Lutwama, National Director of Imagine Acts Ministries, Uganda; Sam Banda, National Director of Navigators Malawi.
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