Wednesday, August 10, 2011


We have been traveling to districts and churches where we had previously distributed books in order to complete the set. Last week we met with two different groups, one being a large Congolese Refugee Settlement we had previously visited in 2009. The hosting pastor told us there were many churches in the settlement and one cult. He was disturbed because the cult issued newsletters and magazines with pictures and the Christian churches did not have something similar for teaching. He expressed his gratitude with a new boldness as he tucked his set under his arm prepared to teach with the illustrations in his books! We have two more trips planned for August and several in September. We receive several calls a week from others inviting us to come to their districts and do a teaching. Now, when we travel, we are really loaded down with so many sets containing 12 books each.

Second visit to a village near Hoima District

Hundreds of children rushed from a nearby school to see the "white" lady.
Timo teaching on the road

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking all the time and energy to produce the blog---and for all the time and effort to carry out the activities you wrote about.
