Friday, February 12, 2010

Prayer, Bayer, and Chicken Noodle Soup

I just had to share this. As I was leaving the orphanage late yesterday, I was told that Jack was very ill. He was burning up with fever. Knowing he would get no appropriate treatment from the hospital, I brought him home. Dan Douglas was here to help me. Jack's temperature was 103.5. We cooled him down with water, bathed him, put new clothes on him. I heated up a Chicken Noodle Cup of Soup, gave him 2 pieces of bread and a half liter of mixed Gatorade. He ate it up. We prayed over him, and put him on the sofa to rest and wait. We were all in the dark as the power had gone out. When we next took the temp. it was 101.5. We took him back to the orphanage for the night. Dan checked on him this morning and found him dressed for school and with a temp. of 97.7!! We give God the glory and the thanks, and are grateful we were able to show him some TLC with Chicken Noodle Soup, a good bath, and clean clothes!

1 comment:

  1. Is Jack the one in that little tuxedo outfit in my pictures?
